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Network and graph visualization tool


Radial layout with compact view

    JnetPlus is interactive web-based Java viewer for visualization of data dependances in form of two- or tree-dimensional graphs. It is based on a 3D graphics engine of Jmol, popular molecular viewer for chemical and crystallographic protein structures.    JnetPlus is a fast and ready to use tool that can be easily incorporated into html pages with no additional programming effort. It is suitable for use by any web services and databases that require dynamic graphical visualization of complex data with rich interactive and descriptive capabilities.
   JnetPlus gives posibility to visualize structures that consists of thousands of nodes/edges and to dinamically manipulate them: see the example with 1469 nodes and 3241 edges here.

Spring layout in 3D

   Along with features inherited from Jmol such as "Perspective Depth" or "Stereographic", it provides extended features for nodes and edges selecting, it's moving, grouping, etc. There is a posibility to control color, size, style of nodes and edges, adding labels, switching between 2D and 3D and more through the popup menu, by mouse or through the scripts. The script language is inherited from Jmol project and extended for JnetPlus needs.
   Force-directed drawing algorithm with interactive capabilities is implemented in JnetPlus as a default embedded graph layout. Tree and radial layouts are available in addition to the spring layout.
   Current version supports SIF (Simple Interaction Format) and native JnetPlus formats (see Documentation section).
