JnetPlus format
This format provides extended network description. It has tree sections: "HEADER",
"NODES", and "EDGES".
Maximum allowed number of lines in the "Header section" is 4.
Each line should start with "#" character.
Nodes section starts with "NODES" line. Next lines contain information about nodes and its
attributes: the first four elements specify node name and layout coordinats.
This is essential part of the node's description. The next two attributes are optional and
describe color and shape. "Color" attribute can be presented by RGB value,
for example, #ffdd00, or by color name ("red", "green", etc. see
"Color schema" section in Supplement). There is also the third way to represent color through the internal
format. In this case color value is genereated by program. "Shape" attribute
starts with "@" character following by the number that specify shape type
(see list of shape's types in Supplement).
Edges section starts with "EDGES" line. Essential part of this section consists two
elements for each line: source node name and target node name delimited by Tab. Target node name
should be single. No list of target nodes is allowed. Next set of elements is optional and describes
color (in the same way as in "Node section"), shape (solid by default or
"@1" for dotted), and types of tails for each edge (combination of two numbers delimited
by "_" character, see Supplement).
Example of JnetPlus format (demo):
node1 0.3947084694929428 0.12106160617189321 -1.8595869943421246
node2 0.3751867081475586 0.02806894843628260 0.272049672299683 @2 green
node3 -1.250466091335244 -0.09728155891272738 -0.8192781861119118
node4 2.1786371001301044 0.15874508611434202 1.6792668142876646 indigo
node5 -1.698066186435360 -0.21059408180979433 0.72754869386669
node1 node2 1_2 blue
node3 node2 2_2 green
node4 node2 -11927808 1_1
node3 node1 @1
node5 node3 #0000ff @1
node5 node2 2_1 orange
node5 node3 -65317
SIF format (simple interaction format)
SIF is a text file format and provides information about network in form
of list of triples:
"sourceNode edgeType targetNode"
"sourceNode edgeType <
targetNode1 targetNode2 ...>"
Node names should be unique. Duplicate pairs of nodes must have different relation type, otherwise they are ignored (except one).
Self-connections are also acceptable.
For example, "nodeA type nodeA".
This format does not include any additional information about nodes and relations between
them (edges), for example, about shape, size, color, layout coordinations, extended description, etc.
Color of nodes is gray and it's shape is sphere by default. Color of edges is defined randomly
from the list of colors for each type of relations.
Example of SIF format (demo):
node1 cube node2 node4 node5
node2 cube node3 node6
node3 cube node4 node7
node4 cube node8
node5 cube node6 node8
node6 cube node7
node7 cube node8